What is this post all about?

This post is part of series that are entitled ‘Colour Bank No.* | Actors Filmography’ and they combine two ideas💡 I had whilst chilling by the pool on a recent holiday 🇫🇷🥖🧀🍷.

My first idea for a post series aimed to document many of the cool colour palettes 🎨 I have seen in the wild or generated in apps like coolors.co. Why? I see so many great colour design choices published by the dataviz community, yet before I know it, they are lost in life’s churn and to my ridiculously poor memory. Documenting the cool palettes will capture them for future inspiration.

The second idea, a series of posts utilising a viz template to extract key insights on my favourite actors allowing me to be more informed in my #FridayNightIsFilmNight movie selection 🍿 🎥 and avoid the inevitable channel hopping or streaming provider doom scrolling – week in week out!

What I’ve done is combine the two ideas in a fresh twist format that I find entertaining and useful and I hope you enjoy too.

The format

A series posts showcasing a cool colour palette that I’ve generated or admired in the wild. I’ll embed this colour scheme in a new viz to be published on a Friday. The viz is a template that teases out a chosen actors ‘fabulous’ and ‘feeble’ films using the IMDb #DataPlusMovies dataset, thus informing that perfect #FridayNightIsFilmNight movie choice!

The Colour Palette

This palette is sourced from Coolors ‘cold color palette’ range.

Why do the colours work well together?

The colors in the palette work well together for several reasons, focusing on color theory and visual harmony:

Analogous Harmony
- Purple (#7209B7), Dark Blue (#3A0CA3), and Medium Blue (#4361EE) are analogous colors. Analogous colours sit next to each other on the colour wheel, making them naturally harmonious. This harmonious relationship creates a cohesive and visually pleasing effect because the colours blend smoothly.

Complementary Contrast
- Pink (#F72585) introduces a complementary contrast to the blues and purples. While pink is not directly opposite blue on the colour wheel, it acts as a vibrant contrast, especially to the cooler tones of blue and purple. This contrast adds energy and excitement to the palette, making it visually dynamic.

Balanced Brightness and Depth
- The combination of the vibrant Pink (#F72585) with the deeper hues of Purple (#7209B7), Dark Blue (#3A0CA3), and Medium Blue (#4361EE) creates a balanced palette. The bright pink stands out against the more subdued blues and purples, providing a striking balance of light and dark tones.

Psychological Impact
- Pink evokes feelings of playfulness, energy, and warmth, adding a lively and engaging element to the palette.
- Purple suggests creativity, luxury, and sophistication, providing a sense of depth and richness.
- Blues (both dark and medium) convey calmness, stability, and trust, adding a serene and reliable quality to the palette.

The Viz

Interactive Viz Link

Keanu Reeves has appeared in over 60+ films in his career to date. He has had roles in over 8 film genres ranging from animation to period dramas and action thrillers, playing both supporting and lead roles. Reeves is holding a very respectable 6.3 IMDb rating over his career spanning from the early 1980s to today, scores range from a relatively feeble 4.1 for films like “Siberia” and “Exposed” to a fabulous 8.7 for “The Matrix”.


If a more recent Keanu film is favoured, a “Wick” may be the go to. If that isn’t your jam, maybe a Drama or Comedy genre would serve you well (given their IMDb rating trajectory), “Dangerous Liaisons” is highly rated at 7.6 released in 1988, a star studded cast, with high praise performances from Glenn Close, Michelle Pfeiffer, this movie stars a fresh faced Uma Thurman and Reeves and was nominated for numerous awards – tho not really my cup of tea. Fancy a Rom Com? “Much ado about nothing” (1993). If not, reminisce and dig out a classic like “Bram Stockers Dracula” 🧛- if you can stomach Reeve’s English accent!

Hover over each dot for a plot summary or hone in on the ‘fabulous’ (on the right) for your movie choice inspiration.

Personally, I’m happy to watch the original “Matrix” (1999) any day of the week, it looks as fresh today as it did back on ‘99, The “Wick” franchise is incredible and highly entertaining, yet my wife says they may be a touch on the violent side 🤣 and therefore not for every occasion! I love “Point Break” (1991) I think it’s the surfing and the sky diving scenes and the nostalgic memories the film conjures of me in ‘91. I’ve added a wild card hot-pick in the form of “Constantine” for consideration, and whilst it has somewhat mixed critical reviews it has garnered a cult following in the years following its release (2005).

A ChatGPT summary

Short summary of why these Keanu Reeves films are considered exceptional examples according to IMDb ratings:

The Matrix (1999) - IMDb rating: 8.7
"The Matrix" is celebrated for its revolutionary special effects, particularly "bullet time," and its profound exploration of reality and human perception. Keanu Reeves' performance as Neo, combined with the film's innovative visuals and philosophical depth, has made it a timeless classic in both the sci-fi and action genres.

Point Break (1991) - IMDb rating: 7.2 “Point Break" is acclaimed for its thrilling action sequences and unique premise. Keanu Reeves' role as an FBI agent infiltrating a group of extreme sports enthusiasts turned bank robbers, alongside Patrick Swayze, delivers a blend of adrenaline-fueled excitement and strong character dynamics, making it a cult classic.

Constantine (2005) - IMDb rating: 7.0 “Constantine" is recognised for its dark, supernatural themes and stylish visual effects. Keanu Reeves' portrayal of the cynical, chain-smoking demon hunter John Constantine brings a brooding intensity to the role, earning praise for its unique take on the comic book genre and its atmosphere.


In the right role, in the right film, Keanu smashes it. When he doesn’t, he’s wooden, awkward and worthy of the big red button!


Stay tuned for the next cool colour palette and red carpet A lister filmography overview.

Thanks for reading, ping me if you have any questions or thoughts about my viz or post.


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