What is this post about?

This post is part of series that are entitled ‘Colour Bank No.* | Actors Filmography’ and they combine two ideas💡 I had whilst chilling by the pool on a recent holiday 🇫🇷🥖🧀🍷.

My first idea for a post series aimed to document many of the cool colour palettes 🎨 I have seen in the wild or generated in apps like coolors.co. Why? I see so many great colour design choices published by the dataviz community, yet before I know it, they are lost in life’s churn and to my ridiculously poor memory. Documenting the cool palettes will capture them for future inspiration.

The second idea, a series of posts utilising a viz template to extract key insights on my favourite actors allowing me to be more informed in my #FridayNightIsFilmNight movie selection 🍿 🎥 and avoid the inevitable channel hopping or streaming provider doom scrolling – week in week out!

What I’ve done is combine the two ideas, plus my ongoing exploration and leveraging of ChatGPT’s ability to analyse colour choices, visuals and text in a fresh twist format that I find entertaining and useful and I hope you enjoy too.

The format

A series of posts showcasing a cool colour palette that I’ve generated or admired in the wild. I’ll embed this colour scheme in a new viz to be published on a Friday. The viz is a template that teases out a chosen actors ‘fabulous’ and ‘feeble’ films using the IMDb #DataPlusMovies dataset, thus informing that perfect 
#FridayNightIsFilmNight movie choice!

//ChatGPT prompt
‘Summarise text’

The Colour Palette

//ChatGPT image generator pro prompt
Display this colour palette In a 2x2 grid, add hex colours as labels on white in a readable font: #9E8576,#EF7B45, #47A8BD,#2B2D42

This palette is sourced from Coolors ‘palette generator’.

Why do the colours work well together?

The colours in the palette work well together for several reasons, the following summary focuses on colour theory and visual harmony, further reading on colour theory is available on ‘canva color wheel

1.Complementary Colours: 
The palette includes complementary colours, which are opposite each other on the colour wheel. For instance, the warm orange (#EF7B45) and the cool blue (#47A8BD) are nearly complementary. This contrast makes both colours stand out, creating visual interest and dynamic balance.
2.Analogous Colours:
The brown (#9E8576) and the orange (#EF7B45) are analogous colours, sitting next to each other on the colour wheel. Analogous colours are harmonious because they share a common hue, providing a sense of unity and cohesion.
The deep navy (#2B2D42) provides a strong contrast to the lighter and more vibrant colors in the palette. This contrast helps to create depth and visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s attention to different parts of the design.
4.Warm and Cool Balance:
The mix of warm (orange and brown) and cool (blue and navy) colours create a balance that is pleasing to the eye. Warm colours tend to advance in a composition, while cool colours recede, adding a sense of dimension.
5.Colour Temperature:
The palette includes both warm (orange and brown) and cool (blue and navy) colours, which can evoke different moods and emotions. This balance makes the palette versatile for various design contexts.
6.Neutral Grounding:
The brown (#9E8576) acts as a neutral colour, grounding the palette and allowing the brighter colours to shine without overwhelming the viewer.

//ChatGPT prompt
‘describe why these colours work well together focus on colour theory and visual harmony’

The Viz

Interactive Viz Link

Morgan Freeman is one of the most respected and prolific actors in Hollywood, with a career spanning several decades and a diverse array of roles. This viz showcases the highs and lows of his illustrious career through the lens of IMDb ratings.

Hover over each dot for a plot summary or hone in on the ‘fabulous’ (on the right) for your movie choice inspiration.

For this weeks colour palette, I have made the following choices to highlight important data points:

1.#9E8576 (Beige)
•Usage: Utilised for the primary text elements.
•Effect: This soft beige provides a neutral canvas that ensuring other colours stand out.
2.#EF7845 (Coral)
•Usage: Used for highlighting top-rated films and key outliers.
•Effect: The vibrant coral draws immediate attention to significant data points, such as “The Shawshank Redemption,” emphasising their importance.
3.#47ABBD (Teal)
•Usage: Applied to median and general data points.
•Effect: The calming teal tones provide a clear distinction between the outlier high performing and low performing films.
4.#2B2042 (Dark Purple)
•Usage: Used for lower-rated films and outliers.
•Effect: The dark purple creates a clear distinction for films with lower ratings, helping viewers quickly identify less successful titles.

//ChatGPT prompt
‘analyse visualisation as brief blog summary, make summary of Hex colour palette used

Plotting the IMDb rating purely against the year of release you can see the ebb and flow of IMDb scores across Freeman’s career:


Top-Rated Films:

The Shawshank Redemption (1994): Topping the chart with an impressive IMDb rating of 9.3, this drama is widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time.
The Dark Knight (2008): This action-packed film, where Freeman plays Lucius Fox, has a strong rating of 9.0.
Se7en (1995): A critically acclaimed crime thriller, rated 8.6, with Freeman delivering a memorable performance.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) and Batman Begins (2005): Both films received high ratings of 8.4 and 8.2, respectively, cementing Freeman’s role in the iconic Batman trilogy.

Biographical and Documentary Films:

March of the Penguins (2005): This documentary, narrated by Freeman, has a rating of 7.5, reflecting its popularity and impact.
Glory (1989): A historical biography with a rating of 7.8, showcasing Freeman’s versatility.

Overall Ratings:

•The career median IMDb rating for Freeman’s films stands at 6.4, indicating a generally favorable reception across his extensive body of work.
•Genre-specific medians also provide interesting insights, with drama and action genres performing particularly well.

Notable Outliers:

High Outliers: Films like “The Shawshank Redemption” and “The Dark Knight” significantly exceed the median rating, highlighting their critical acclaim.
Low Outliers: Titles such as “The Poison Rose (2019)” and “Edison (2005)” fall below the median, with lower IMDb ratings indicating less favorable reviews.

//ChatGPT prompt
‘analyse visualisation as brief blog summary


The following list of films are making it to my ‘definately worth a watch’ list. ChatGPT tells us why these Morgan Freeman films are considered exceptional examples according to their IMDb ratings:

1.The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - Freeman’s portrayal of Ellis “Red” Redding is iconic for its depth, warmth, and wisdom. His narration and on-screen presence significantly contribute to the film’s emotional resonance and enduring popularity.

2.The Dark Knight (2008) - Freeman’s role as Lucius Fox added a layer of grounded, moral authority to the film. His performance helped balance the darker elements of the story and provided essential support to the protagonist, enhancing the film’s critical acclaim.

3.Se7en (1995) - As Detective Somerset, Freeman delivered a powerful and nuanced performance, capturing the character’s weariness and moral struggle. His chemistry with co-star Brad Pitt and his gravitas helped elevate the film’s tension and impact.

4.Glory (1989) - Freeman’s portrayal of Sergeant Major John Rawlins brought depth and humanity to the film, highlighting his leadership and strength. His performance contributed to the film’s powerful depiction of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and its historical significance.

//ChatGPT prompt
‘short summary of why * films are considered excellent examples according to IMDb ratings [list films 1-4]


Morgan Freeman’s filmography is a testament to his enduring talent and versatility as an actor. With a career median rating of 6.4, Freeman consistently delivers performances that resonate with audiences and critics alike.
want a classic, “The Shawshank Redemption” is a film that's hard to pass up, my hot pick would be “Se7en”, but I’m intrigued by “Glory” as I’ve never seen it.

Stay tuned for the next cool colour palette and red carpet A lister filmography overview.

Thanks for reading, ping me if you have any questions or thoughts about my viz or post.


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